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Publications in print

“Dancing in Spite of Nervous Systems” in Choreogreaphy as Conditioning 5. H. Langsdorf and A. Arteaga (eds.), APE, Gent, 2021.

Review “The Choreopolitics of Alain Platel’s les Ballets C de la B. Emotions, Gestures, Politics. Christel Stalpaert, Guy Cools and Hildegart De Vuyst (eds.), Bloomsburry Academic Series: Dance in Dialogue, 2021.’ in European Journal of Theatre and Performance, issue 3, 2021.

Publication XXI CSAV – Artist Research Laboratory. Materials for Performance. A. Klein (ed.) Fondazione Antonio Ratti, Mousse Publishing, 2015.

Publications online

-> Dance Research in Spite of Nervous Systems

-> Flirtatious Dance Research

-> Modern Dance Epistemology. A Modern Dance Practice Theory (thesis)

-> Transcript: Sound. Like 90 Problems
